Dog trainer shares two of the easiest dog breeds to train

“People often ask me what is the easiest dog breed to train,” said the dog trainer from Suburban K9 Dog Training.

“I can tell you right now that question is not important! What you should be asking is what’s the easiest dog breed to live with.”

The dog trainer explained why this factor is so important with an illustrative example.

Referencing an Australian Cattle dog mix that is “super easy” to train, the expert elaborated on why this isn’t what you should be focusing on.

“They’re smart, they’re motivated by praise, they’re motivated by toys, motivated by treats, you can teach them anything, [but] they’re not easy to live with.”

He elaborated: “They are high drive, they’re intense, they want to work and be busy; they’re very, very difficult to live with.”

Instead of focusing on which dog breed is the easiest to train, the focus should be on the easiest dog to live with – and there are two dog breeds he recommends.

“Instead, go get a dog like a Labrador or a Cavalier King Charles. These are great dogs; they’re easy to live with.”

The dog trainer added: “Very rarely do people call us and say, ‘hey, I’m having huge trouble training my dog’.”

When digging deeper into the issue, it’s very common that people are having trouble with their dog’s behaviour.

“And a lot of times, it’s because they got a hard breed that might be easy to train but hard to live with,” he said, emphasising his point.


The Labrador is known as a great family dog, which the American Kennel Club describe as “active, friendly and outgoing”.

Cavalier King Charles

Meanwhile, the Cavalier King Charles is regarded as “affectionate, gentle, and graceful”.

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